Section includes questions and answers posted in the blog and discussed via email.
Q: Are PHD candidates eligible to participate in the competition?
A: Yes they are
Q: We are a group of students studying Architectural Engineering. Our program can result in a degree in Architecture, Civil Engineering or even both. Do we qualify as both Architecture and Engineeirng students when it comes to the rule of at least one student in Architecture and at least one in Civil/ Environmental Engineering per group?
A: Architectural Engineering students will be considered either Architects or Engineers (or both). Therefore, a team consisting only of Architectural Engineers is eligible to participate.
Q: Can competition participants attend to the SB11 conference?
A: Any student taking part in the competition can of course attend the conference, just as any other participant. Students must find a source of funding of their own since the conference organization is not covering the costs.
Q: I have studied architecture for five years but I am not yet graduated as bachelor, am I eligible to participate?
A: The competition rules: "University students with a Bachelor’s Degree or a minimum of three years of completed studies are eligible to participate" So yes, You are eligible to participate.
Q: Can our dissertation director act as an coordinating teacher?
A: Yes She/He can if She/He is representing your major discipline/laboratory.
Q: Is there any age limit for participants?
A: There's no age limit to take part in the competition.
Q: Is it possible to participate as a team of two people, both students of Architecture since 2005?
A: Regarding the rules it is not. The idea behind multidisciplinary teams is that students from different disciplines learn to work together as they would in a real project.
Q: Is there any registration fee?
A: There is not any registration or participation fees.