Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Winners announced

The Special Forum 3: SuvelaSURGE, International Student Idea&Design Competition for Sustainable Neighbourhood Regeneration in Espoo, Finland,  took place on Tuesday 18th October according to the following programme.

The Forum was live webcasted and followed in different countries. In an effort to channel the participation of the audience, inside and outside the Main Hall, SB11 Helsinki provided the possibility of sending comments and questions through SMS. For those who were not able to watch it live, here is the videolink to the whole Forum and some pictures.

During the second half of the Forum, the winners of SuvelaSURGE International Student Competition were announced and, after Pekka Huovila, the Chair of SB11 Helsinki International Scientific Committee and President of the Jury, gave them their awards, the teams presented their proposals for the sustainable regeneration of Suvela to the audience. For more information, please click on each of the images below to download the files of the awarded proposals.

FIRST PRIZE - 5.000 €
Proposal AL 232 - University of Oulu and Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Sanni Kemppainen (Team Leader), Faculty of Technology (Architecture), University of Oulu
Hanna Kosunen, Faculty of Technology (Architecture), University of Oulu
Tanya Anthony, Faculty of Technology (Architecture), University of Oulu
Annalinda Günther, Faculty of Natural Resources and the Environment (Landscape Planning), Oulu University of Applied Sciences
Jani Leinonen, Faculty of Technology (Mechanical Engineering), University of Oulu
Eveliina Oinonen, Faculty of Natural Resources and the Environment (Landscape Planning), Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Co-ordinating teacher:  
Hennu Kjisik, Faculty of Technology (Architecture), University of Oulu

Proposal JS 028 - Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

James Grieve (Team Leader), School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Queen's University Belfast
Jamie Agnew, School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Queen's University Belfast
Sean McCann, School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Queen's University Belfast
Raymond Kinnaird, School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Queen's University Belfast
David Power, School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Queen's University Belfast

Co-ordinating teacher: 
Keith MacAllister, School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Queen's University Belfast

Proposal OZ 760 - Aalto University and University of Helsinki, Finland

Olli Jokinen (Team Leader), School of Science and Technology (Real State Economics), Aalto University
Anssi Lauttia, School of Science and Technology (Forest Products Technology), Aalto University
Sara Lukkarinen, School of Science and Technology (Transportation and Environmental Engineering), Aalto University
Mirja Puoskari, School of Science and Technology (Architecture), Aalto University
Tuomo Sipilä, Faculty of Social Sciences (Sociology), University of Helsinki
Inari Virkkala, School of Science and Technology (Architecture), Aalto University

Co-ordinating teacher: 
Ilona Mansikka, School of Science and Technology (Architecture), Aalto University

As announced earlier, all the submitted proposals were displayed during SB11 Helsinki World Sustainable Building Conference. To have a look at the slideshow containing all the proposals, please go here. You can also download here the "Background information and results" report where you can find a summary of the competition process , and also the Final report of the Jury.

The competitions organizers are very satisfied, not only with the results of the competition itself, but also with the positive feedback received on the Special Forum 3: SuvelaSURGE. This encourages us to try to develop further some of the concepts introduced for this competition and opens interesting possibilities for the future. Thank you all for your support!

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